Tag Archives: already

3 Reasons Why Your Prayers May Not Be Effective!

Are your prayers always answered? Or do you wish God might be hearing you every time you pray? Is prayer really a hit or miss way of communicating with God? Contrary to what many Christians believe, there is not one

Have you ever wondered about Prayer?

Most of us have heard that all prayers are answered. We are told that God either says "Yes" or "No." What if the answer is "Yes"? What if the answer is "No" - how can we deal with it? How

Perplexed about where you are?

The rocky road of life doesn't always lend us information to inform us of just what in the world is going on in our lives as it shakes us, perplexes us and forces us all down and through paths that

Is what you have not enough?Can God use what you have?

Do you have a tendency to despair over lost opportunities that have passed you by, or do you worry about the future and just how things might work out for you? Does doubt and unbelief linger in your mind as

In 2015 God wants to open New Doors for you!

When young children begin exploring boundaries at the age of one or two, they frequently hear the word "no." "NO, you can't have a cookie before dinner. NO, you can't eat dirt. NO, you can't ride Fido around the living

Can God lead you to Freedom From Stress and Worry?

When we feel under pressure or stressed out, we tend to compartmentalize the issues. We categorize the event, the problem, or how we are seeing it and then justify our behavior. But God never created Life to be about about

Are you really tired all the time?

Having energy in life is about balance. It is about being clear and not being weighed down by thoughts, emotions. It is to let go of struggle and to remain present. Energy in life comes from connecting, from being present,

Need a Miracle?Doing this may help!

Are your circumstances so gloomy that you feel like it would take a miracle from God for things to turn around for you? If you need a miracle from God, have you made preparations to receive a miracle from God?

God is Calling You!

Happy Labor Day to you! We hope that on this Labor day, you are getting chances to rest from the toil of working and the stress that it can often produce. Today is a good day to rest, reflect and

Have you ever?

Have you ever prayed for an instant resolution but feel like you never received the answer?  Do you believe God still answers prayer or have you ever felt like God answers prayers only worth listening to?  You are not alone because in

How’s Your Relationship with God?

What is the most important thing to you in your life? Some might say that it is their spouse or their children. Others might say it is their job. Still others would admit that God is most important in their

Random News Around The World

‘You have no faith in God. I’m going to kill you’ – Muslim dad attacks … During an angry confrontation, the father told her: ‘You have no faith in God. I’m going to kill you before the community find out.’

God is counting on you to help spread His light!

Light is the agent of illumination that stimulates the sense of sight. God, who is the Creator of the whole universe, is LIGHT. The bible says in 1 John 1:5, “This is the message we have heard from Him and

Join with us in believing God for More!

The Lord is supernaturally moving in the earth realm both day and night, He is looking for those who have faith in Him and His abilities to provide. God is looking for those that will believe Him for more in
