Tag Archives: Always

10 Bible verses to help you if you’re Tired or Troubled!

We often need reminding that God is bigger than our problems. Bravery for Christians is not about screwing up our courage and willing ourselves to overcome our fears. It is about letting go of our fears and having the bravery

The mystery of unanswered prayers!

Have you ever prayed and prayed only to find that some of your prayers go unanswered? Have you ever wanted something so badly you could taste it and no matter how hard you prayed to God, He just didn't grant

God is at work in Your Life!Trust in His Timing!

As we go through daily living, our job is to figure out what God is up to, in our lives as He works. He has created circumstances in your life that has put you where you are. Sometimes as God

Don’t forfeit Your blessings,Wait on God as He works!

We've discovered that patience is not only necessary as you wait upon God to work and to answer your prayers, but it is required. We've found that it does no good to be impatient if you think that God is

You’ll win if you don’t give up and quit!

In football when a player begins to score,what does the opposing team do?They assign  their best players to block him,tackle him,distract him,hinder him and keep that player from being able to cross the line to make a score!Because your life

Sometimes, being at the Bottom can be A Blessing!

Hitting rock bottom has taught me a lot. Life situations like having to scratch together money for a coffee or to buy gas to get to work was less than memorable. The sadness over the loss of a loved one,

Need Help?God wants you to Keep seeking Him!

Get up and get going child of God, your very best is still yet to come! The entire theme of Christianity is rising back up again, no matter how many times you have been knocked down and no matter how

Do You have faith in God the way He wants you to?

Have you ever wondered why God wants you to have faith in Him as He works in and through your life? Rick Warren has a great answer for what He thinks that faith is, He states that "'Faith is following

Waiting on God? A Prayer For You As You Wait!

Are you currently in a place of waiting? Perhaps you are waiting for a job, for healing, for restoration in a relationship, or for wisdom to know where you should go next.That place of waiting is a place we are

What to Do When Worry Gets the Best of You!

One of my friends sent me a text upon learning her husband was diagnosed with colon cancer. I was surprised—yet encouraged—by her reaction. "God's got this," she said confidently. I want that type of unswerving trust in the One who

Remember, God doesn’t Want YOU to Worry!

One evening Our friend Rick came by all sad and depressed. We took him to our park to show him how carefree the animals were. When we got to the park we saw that Ducks swam happily, birds

Tired of Trying? Let God Help You Improve!

Recently, I walked through our church building trying to look at each room with fresh eyes. I had been reminded of how accustomed we get to those settings we view on a regular basis. It’s easy for us to overlook

Your Problems Are There For A Reason!

Are you feeling stressed, unsure, and insecure with all this uncertainty that's going on? Is it testing your Faith and you're wondering when things are going to let-up and get better and be more calm for you? We understand if

Don’t Worry, God will Help you!

Over the ages, God has been proven faithful by the many things that He has done for His people. In Genesis, we read Him saving Noah and his family from the wickedness of their time. We read God mightily delivering
