Tag Archives: sounds

Tune in to God as you pray – Listen for His answers!

Prayer is a powerful tool in our life that connects us to an all knowing and perfect God. Prayer allows us to communicate to God who is our Father in Heaven. "Most of the time, your prayers will be

Can God help YOU manage “YOUR” Stress?

Stress is a very popular part of society. It is not addressed in the correct way for most people. There is so much discussion about depression these days because there are more and more people that are faced

Can You Trust God Even Now?

Some Christians seem to be able to trust God no matter what happens. Perhaps you feel like, "I could never have that kind of faith." Are you sure about that? Don't be too quick to sell yourself short on matters

If You are tired+UnMotivated,God has a Plan!

Do you ever have days when it is just difficult to get started and difficult to stir yourself up for even the simplest of tasks through your lack of motivation and confidence? Are you so tired sometimes that you find

If You Feel Stuck, Here’s Help For you!

We've all been stuck in life, but here is what you need to do to become free. Feeling stuck is incredibly frustrating. You feel blah, depressed and out-of-sorts. We all go through this at times in our lives. You’re bored

Is God leading You To Change As He Transforms You?

For many professionals and adults, the challenge to keep schedules and effectively manage time is a real one. Beyond that, it's a really big one, and it can be overwhelming and sometimes even frustrating to have to face the challenge

Are YOU Really Seeking God First?

The Christian culture is full of language that speaks our heart and call. Some have the power to alter your life for the better while some remain weird "Christianese" that really doesn't make much sense on an applicable level. One

Want A chance to Transform Your Life Story?

We all have a story. Do you know what yours is? What are you choosing to do with it? As long as we are human living on this earth, we will all encounter a story that consists of our

Don’t give up—God hears you when you pray!

God is certainly not an unjust judge who must be harassed before He responds to us. He is our loving Father who cares about us and hears us when we cry to Him. “The squeaky wheel gets the oil” is

On This 4th Of July And Always YOU were Created To Shine!

In another life, I produced a fireworks show called “SkyConcert” that was choreographed precisely to music and broadcast live on TV and radio. In 25 years of doing that event we were never rained out. I asked the Lord once

Whose Kingdom is This Anyway?

I have always been far too preoccupied with my own glory. I don’t like saying that because it sounds terrible. And embarrassing. And deeply sinful. God does not share his glory with anyone else and our lives need to be preoccupied with

If You’re tired, Here’s -A Prayer of Supplication+Declaration For You!

Father God, I know I have often judged my own heart incorrectly. Forgive me for not extending the same grace to myself that You give me. Teach me to forgive and see myself and my heart the way you do...to

God has given you a coach-The Holy Spirit!

Often times when you are going through difficult times, it can seem like you are all alone with no one to help you and no one to guide you. But things are not always what they seem. Even when there

Ever wonder What Jeremiah 29:11 means? Come Closer!

My Old Testament professor had this to say about the ever-popular Jeremiah 29:11: “I am going to destroy what this verse means to you, but then I’m going to re frame it so you understand it better within it’s original
