Tag Archives: Complete

Be Still Before God! Get Ready For 2017!

Life is hard and difficult. Many times life leaves us feeling tired, worn out and broken-we believe that we are done-that we cannot take one more step. Life sometimes sees us moving from crisis to crisis. Sometimes difficulties in life

God, is Your Time Management Coach!

Before you were born, the Scripture tell us, God outlined not only your entire life, but the moments of your life. He conceived the plan before you were conceived. He knew what it would take to complete that plan, the

God has given you a coach-The Holy Spirit!

Often times when you are going through difficult times, it can seem like you are all alone with no one to help you and no one to guide you. But things are not always what they seem. Even when there

Want A Miracle? Leave Your past,pursue your future!

I'm a big fan of running, and while I'm not really that good at it, I've had my fair share of experiences with long runs. The longest run I've done was twenty-one kilometers, and boy did it hurt. But it

A Unique Spokesperson

God's methods are often surprising. God did not raise up an army to destroy Ahab and Jezebel. Neither did He send some scintillating prince to argue His case or try to impress their royal majesties. Instead, God did the unimaginable—He

Want To Read A Sample Of Our Random Newsletter?

God moves and breathes on us in many different ways to encourage you, share with you and speak to you regarding how He is choosing to work in your life and because of this, we've started to send emails to

MayBe You Need A Set of Blinders!

Blinders are leather or plastic cups that are placed on either side of a racing horse’s eyes. They prevent him from seeing what is behind him, and sometimes from seeing what is on either side of him. They allow the

Ever wonder What Jeremiah 29:11 means? Come Closer!

My Old Testament professor had this to say about the ever-popular Jeremiah 29:11: “I am going to destroy what this verse means to you, but then I’m going to re frame it so you understand it better within it’s original

Have you grown impatient with God?

Dear child of God, have you grown very tired of where you are or have you grown very tired of waiting on the promises of God to manifest in your life? Has waiting on God caused you to grow impatient

God has given you the power to change!

The greatest secret to acting on God's timing is understanding that He has given you incredible power to be able to change! Want to lose weight? Get a better job? Go back to college? Find a spouse? Get closer to

Tired of going through?It could be a test!

"Good morning class. Clear your desk. We have a surprise test today". Do you remember the agony and the butterflies that filled your stomach when the teacher would announce a surprise test? They never came at a good time.

Maybe God intended what Has happened to you to give you “Wings”

"Grab here, amigo." I grabbed. "Hold on tight, por favor." I held on. "When you come back toward the shore and I blow whistle, you pull cord pronto!" Within seconds I was airborne. A loud "whoosh," a long strong jerk,

Want the Extraordinary?Seek God!

Has everyday living become boring to you? Is the thrill of living and the excitement of following God left you? Are you having more downs in life than up? Are you having more pain in life than pleasure? Has the
