Tag Archives: following

Are You Hoping For A Better Year?

We all want this year to be better than last — even if last year was a great year. But have you ever wondered how a better year happens? I've found that a better year happens Not by having better

He is not here,He is risen!

Dear God seeker, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Easter Sunday! We hope and pray that where ever this article finds you in your life you will choose to thank God for the celebration

Give God 10+Minutes Daily, Let Him “Guide You” as Easter approaches!

I don't know about you, but I very rarely (if ever!) think of myself as being a sheep but following God as He leads you requires that you become like a sheep following your good shepherd. There are too

God wants to help you avoid the devil’s traps!

If you have been following God for any length of time, then you’ve probably figured out that placed in your pathway are booby traps, obstacles, liars, thieves, scam artists, con artists and many different schemes full of bait and switch

Make Father’s Day For the Father In YOUR life Unforgettable!

Father-love is irreplaceable. Whether we’re celebrating our dads, stepdads, brothers, sons or other father figures in our lives, these men need to hear what a difference their love makes. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 CSB reminds us to “encourage one another and

Once God Rewires YOU, Live A Fully Engaged Life!

One of the biggest challenges we face is to stay fully engaged in life. That means living life with gusto. When we are fully engaged, if we cook a meal, we prepare something interesting. We don’t just grab a can

God Knows What He is doing! Wait On Him! 8 Ways the devil is working to Keep You from God!

Satan wants to keep you from worshiping the One he hates, God. He wants to keep you from doing the right thing, whether that is spending time alone with the Lord in Scripture and prayer, attending and participating in public

Want A chance to Transform Your Life Story?

We all have a story. Do you know what yours is? What are you choosing to do with it? As long as we are human living on this earth, we will all encounter a story that consists of our

Ever Wonder What Ticks God Off?

Some people see God as irked, ticked, and ready to strike. Others see Him as gentle, tender as a prima dona moving about carefully while her fingernail polish dries. Well…is He mad or not? Scripture shows us what ticks God

God’s Presence in Suffering

The book of Job is not only a witness to the dignity of suffering and God's presence in our suffering, but it's also our primary biblical protest against religion that has been reduced to explanations or "answers." Many of the

If You’re tired, Here’s -A Prayer of Supplication+Declaration For You!

Father God, I know I have often judged my own heart incorrectly. Forgive me for not extending the same grace to myself that You give me. Teach me to forgive and see myself and my heart the way you do...to

God has given you a coach-The Holy Spirit!

Often times when you are going through difficult times, it can seem like you are all alone with no one to help you and no one to guide you. But things are not always what they seem. Even when there

Is What You Do More Than Just a Job?

A young fella rushed into a service station and asked the manager if he had a pay phone. The manager nodded, "Sure, over there." The boy pushed in some change, dialed, and waited for an answer. Finally, someone came on

Something Is Going On….

Dear God seeker, God is up to something, and you have been drawn to this message for a reason. God laid it on our hearts to share today's newsletter with those that He would draw to this message.
