Tag Archives: Questions

God is Gracious With His Love!

Life can be hard and challenging. Living can wear away our hope. Cynicism can settle into our hearts and find a home because of hurtful people, difficult circumstances, relational wounds, and unfortunate events. Religion can imprison us in a world

God Of Gracious Love!

Life can be hard and challenging. Living can wear away our hope. Cynicism can settle into our hearts and find a home because of hurtful people, difficult circumstances, relational wounds, and unfortunate events. Religion can imprison us in a world

Do YOU Need This?

Allow me to offer a simple definition of wisdom. Wisdom is looking at life from God's point of view. When we employ wisdom we are viewing life as God sees it. That's why it's so valuable to think God's thoughts.

God’s Presence in Suffering

The book of Job is not only a witness to the dignity of suffering and God's presence in our suffering, but it's also our primary biblical protest against religion that has been reduced to explanations or "answers." Many of the

Are You Living For an audience of one or Every 1 Else?

This new year has not started in the usual way for me – or in a way I would have chosen. I usually love the first week the kids are back at school; after the busyness, the time out of

God has given you the power to change!

The greatest secret to acting on God's timing is understanding that He has given you incredible power to be able to change! Want to lose weight? Get a better job? Go back to college? Find a spouse? Get closer to

Are you seeking God for answers?

When problems occur in your life, do you ever question God and ask “why?” Do you ever wonder why such a good God would allow so much pain and so much suffering? For example, have you ever thought to yourself

God Sized Changes Require God sized Faith!

The road to salvation is the road to faith; Seek now the answers to your questions, ask for guidance and whatever it is that can fill your doubts. God cannot save you. Only your faith in God ever can. What

Are you the victim of God’s Pruning Shears?

Recently when we had one of our round table discussions about God and what He is currently doing in the lives of the people around the world, we began to realize that not only is God at work in their

God wants to help you with your impossible situations!

  There are days that seem daunting and circumstances that may seem overwhelming. No matter who you are or what the conditions of your life are right now, even if it looks easy to others, you will have days when

Allow God to change you when things don’t change!

A young woman lived in a home where she was very unhappy. She often complained to her friends and told them how difficult it was for her to stay there. She blamed her parents and the other members of her

Is your life like Brad?

Sometimes it might look like things cannot get much worse for you. You may not be able to see how anything could possibly turn around for you! The world may feel like it is cashing in on you from every

Are you tired?

Dear child of God, if you were looking for our daily devotional today, we were unable to send it to you because our server was down and did not allow us access until now. You will find today’s article below,

Wondering about your future?

Have you ever wondered about your future?Have you pondered such life changing questions as to which direction you should take in life or what you should do with your life?Most people have asked these questions of themselves at some point and
