Come closer For Your Deal of the Day!

Psalm 51:6 “Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being, and in the hidden part You will make me know wisdom.”
Some restaurants send “Today Only!” texting deals, have you ever gotten any of those? If I show the restaurant the text they sent me and pony up the cash, I get a steal on a sandwich or slice of pizza which is the deal of the day, and they get my business. It’s kind of a selfish partnership, but both parties get what they want.
A rich young ruler asked Jesus, “Teacher, what good deed must I do to inherit eternal life? This rich young ruler was trying to get the deal of the day.
Jesus’ reply to him flies right over his head and mine, “Why do you ask me this?”
Then the rich boy, comfortable in his own delusion of self-righteousness replies, “I go to church every now and then, I give a little money every now and then, and sometimes I am nice, although I can be quite moody at times and I don’t really want to help others, I really just want all I can get for myself without having to give too much or do anything in return. He asked Jesus, What do I lack to be able to inherit eternal life?”
Jesus says the words designed to get truth to the innermost parts of this young man’s soul, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven; and come, follow me.” The young man droops in despair because he thought he had salvation-deal-of-the-day in the bag. I used to think this story meant total surrender of everything to God, and anything less was being a spiritual-sissy. Jesus didn’t want the young man to be poor or perfect. He wanted to heal his heart because his property, possessions, selfishness and self-righteousness were keeping him from receiving the true life of God. This young man was looking for the deal of the day and Jesus wanted to give him something worth much more…
You may be just wanting God to answer your prayers and give you what you want and give you the deal of the day, but God wants your heart to be healed and restored. He doesn’t function on a selfish partnership, and his deal isn’t founded on what you can give him. It’s what he wants to give you. His desire is to give you your heart back; healed, whole, and restored. There’s nothing selfish about this partnership. God desires truth in your innermost places to repair and reinvent your humanity. What’s your story? Are you looking for God to give you the deal or the day or are you willing to invite God into your life to heal your heart so that it can be whole and restored?
Written by A. Jeffers & “The WIN International Ministries Team”
If you want God to heal your heart so that it can be whole and restored, join us in this simple prayer, Dear God, “please forgive me for being selfish and looking for your deal of the day instead of seeking and following you for the right reasons. I’m asking that you heal my heart so that it can become whole and restored in Jesus name I ask and pray, Amen”