Not Getting Any Results? Tap into the Power of Thankfulness!

Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God,
and keep the vows you made to the Most High.
Then call on me when you are in trouble,
and I will rescue you,
and you will give me glory. (Psalm 50:14,15)

The Psalmist outlines a fantastic pathway to answered prayer. Are you stuck in some dilemma and your answers seem to be on hold? Let’s ramp up the thanks and the vow-keeping and watch God reach down to save. The end result is the praise and glory we will be honored to give Him as we share our stories of His rescue. Rather than whining and complaining and fretting, let’s express gratitude to God and to others and let’s watch Him work, it may not be easy, but that’s why it’s referred to as a “sacrifice”! Ready to start? Say the simple prayer below;


I choose to offer to you thanks and praise. While I’ve yet to see the solutions, I want to make this sacrifice anyway, for this is the plan you’ve outlined in Scripture. So thank you for being with me in these challenges; you are not the author of these things, but you have certainly sustained me through them. Your promised rescue is on the way. And to expedite that victory, I choose today to offer thanks to you from morning to night!

Remind me of the promises I have made to you; help me to pay up! I know that I have in the past given my word to do specific things for you. Bring those things to remembrance, and I will make good on my promises to you.

And Lord, having done that, I now call upon your help in this time of trouble. Help me, Lord. Deliver me, Father! Rescue your child, I cry out to you!

I now await your rescue. In faith I anticipate the fulfillment of all your promises to me. And Lord, you can count on me for praise and glory as I share with others the story of your redemption in my life. And may my story spur many others on to faith that you are the same God for them as you have been for me.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

-Mark and Jill

