Have you ever?

Have you ever prayed for an instant resolution but feel like you never received the answer?  Do you believe God still answers prayer or have you ever felt like God answers prayers only worth listening to?  You are not alone because in this day and age millions of people are still waiting on God to answer their prayers and  help them solve problems, but hearing His voice has become overwhelmingly difficult for a lot of people.

The Lord listens to prayers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!  Many times He’s already pulled through for you when you hardly recognized it was Him that pulled through for you.  The most amazing tool that can help you start hearing God’s voice is TIME!  Do you have time to hear Him?  How long do you sit in His presence and give an ear to hear what the Lord is saying to you?

If your prayers are very short you may not have given God enough time to communicate with you. You may pray to God because you want or need something but God enjoys you and  He wants you to enjoy His presence when you spend time with Him in prayer. Really spending time in God’s presence encourages you to focus on the Lord and not your problems alone.  Now of course God will listen to whatever difficulties you are facing, but remember to praise His name for the solution and remember to spend enough time when you pray to enjoy His presence and allow Him to communicate with you.

When you submit your prayers to God remember to thank Him for the blessings He’s already given you, Remember to thank Him for what He’s already done for you. Remember to thank Him for the doors that He’s already opened for you and remember to thank Him for Jesus and for being your Heavenly Father.

Remember to meditate on God’s goodness and all He has done for you.  Stay in His presence as much as you can, let Him shower you with His love, His warmth, His mercy and His grace. Let Him ease the tension and stress away from you that may have tried to overtake your life.  You may also want to play soft Christian music and lay before Him, and then as you pray, wait to feel His love, warmth and support for you. God has given you the gift of prayer as a way to communicate with Him. Use your gift of prayer wisely! Spend quakity time with God as you pray, enjoy His presence and watch for His amazing answers!

“He who planted the ear, shall He not hear?” Psalm 94:9

-F. N.  Hines  & The WIN International Team
