God is working to answer your prayers!
Does it seem like you keep praying to God and either He is not answering your prayers or you don’t recognize the answer to your prayers? If this is the situation that you might find yourself in, let us encourage you to keep on praying and believing that God wants to answer your prayers. We have found that though God may tarry with some of the answers to prayers, He delights in our prayers to Him so that He can work and show Himself strong on our behalf. God loves it when you take the time to spend time with Him in prayer, it is doing this time that you are able to pour out your heart to God and submit your petitions,your needs,your cares and your burdens to Him so that He can use that time to gain your permission to intervene into your affairs to “fix”things according to His higher plans and or purposes for your life.
So don’t grow tired of praying just because it may seem like nothing is changing or it may seem like you’re still in the same situation you were in before you started praying. Things are changing but more than likely the changes have not become evident enough for you yet to notice the difference that your prayers have made. But your prayers do make a difference. Therefore Submit your prayer request to God, because the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results – James 5:16.Even if you haven’t seen your answered prayers yet, trust that God is working. Perhaps the answer is even “no” or “not yet,” but trust that God is working behind the scenes to do something great!
Even Jesus prayed Three times that He might be spared the cross. Don’t get weary of praying to God over and over again, choose to be like us and keep on praying. The answer will come, for God delights in answering your prayers. James talks about Job in James 5:11 where he says,indeed we count them blessed who endure, so you must continue to pray and continue to endure as if your life depends on God answering your prayers and in some cases your life may depend on God answering your prayers. It is normal to have to pray for days, weeks, months or even years and in some cases decades before God answers your prayers.
For He is God, He does answer prayers but again, He has a set time to answer your prayers. So watch and wait for the answer to your prayers. Maybe you have already received the answer to your prayers. If it seems like the answer was “no,” or the answer to your intention is still pending, then rejoice in knowing that God’s timing and plans are much better than anything we can contrive. Often God will answer us in a way better than what we thought up. Stay expectant and grab on to God with the knowledge that “He does answer prayers and His best for your life is still yet to come”! So what are you waiting for? Go meet with God again in prayer again, after all, He is waiting there just for you!