Lose any discouragement, turn to God!

I will catch up with him while he is weary and discouraged…(2 Samuel 17:2)

David, weary and discouraged, had travelled by foot to escape Absolom, a murderous traitor, who most sadly happened to be his very own son. Had Absolom caught up with David while in this state, David’s life would have certainly been cut short.

This story is an excellent picture of the spiritual warfare waged against us daily. The enemy is relentless to bring us down when we allow ourselves to be physically weary and emotionally discouraged. One way to take our stand against his wiles, is to take good care of both our bodies and our souls. Get enough sleep, go to God for daily encouragement, and pray this plain and simple prayer:


When I become physically exhausted I often become emotionally drained as well. I then begin to let down my guard, neglecting to rein in negative thoughts.

Lord, I ask for wisdom. Please show me how to find rhythms in my life that give me bodily strength. Teach me to adhere to your word and keep my soul strong. Your joy is my strength, so help me to access your joy today by continually inviting the Holy Spirit into every inch of my being. Fill me to the brim! Enable me to bear much fruit.

I choose to declare your Word over me:

“I can do all things which He has called me to do through Him who strengthens and empowers me to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.” (Philippians 4:13)

I choose to rejoice in spite of the trials I am facing today. Give me grace moment by moment to live Coram Deo – living my entire life in your presence and to Your glory.

Now I am ready for anything! I am equal to anything through You!

In Jesus Name Amen.

 -Mark and Jill