As Easter approaches, are you suffering?

Suffering is undesirable especially when we see the innocent experience it.
Humanity itself is indispensable from suffering and every person right from birth to death experiences it either physically, psychologically, socially or spiritually.
Suffering viewed in this perspective of the innocent raises profound questions such as why do the innocent suffer? Why do I suffer? How can suffering be overcome? Is there any meaning to suffering?
In the Old Testament especially in the book of Exodus, we notice the retributive theology at play where God makes a packed with Israel as a nation and promises to be their God on condition that they follow the commandments. Failure to obey the commandments leads to punishment.
It is in that context of retribution that the friends of Job Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar Job: 2:11 hold Job responsible for his own suffering; Job is innocent.
His wife asks him to end it all by cursing God Job 2: 9 as though to say administer Euthanasia to end pain because am feeling it more than you, yourself in it!
The book of Job teaches us that suffering is a reality among human beings and that it is a mystery, we cannot in our finite being; be able to fully comprehend God’s way in working out things in such a state. What we know for sure is; when Job remained patient and trusting in God, he saves his life and gives him joy Job 42:7-16. God keeps pace with those who suffer and gives grace.
In the New Testament, Jesus willingly walks the road of Suffering Death and Resurrection – this is a mystery of Faith! Our question remains what is the meaning of human suffering? Holy week recounts the events that Jesus went through in the course of saving mankind. By suffering, Christ removes the moral stigma from suffering.
It could no longer stand that suffering indicated moral failure or a sign of God’s abandonment or disfavor. To suffer means to become particularly susceptible, and open to the working of salvific powers of God offered in Christ especially through suffering. Only when we are weak do many of us rely on God and explicitly repudiate our own divine ambitions.
The suffering of Christ redeems suffering itself and opens up the possibility that the sufferer can share in the redemptive work of Christ. The suffering of Christ leads to the glorification, so too does the suffering of a Christian Matt. 5:10-11. Christ’s response to the problem of suffering and pain is not an intellectual answer to an academic puzzle.
Not every problem is abstract, intellectual or academic. Thodicy can be tackled in this manner but the problem of suffering and pain is concrete, experiential and personal. In assuming the Human condition and dying on the cross, Christ fully identifies himself with human nature and gives a new understanding to the problem of suffering practically.
Suffering draws people together giving an opportunity for unconditional love and care to be given just as Christ unreservedly gave up the divine comfort and state to redeem man in feeling with him the suffering man was going through.
During this Holy Week, we get the reason to live however much we suffer from the suffering of Christ. If you’re suffering this Easter, you’re not alone. Suffering is a part of life, you might not ever be able to fully escape it, but you can turn to God in spite of it. When you turn to God, and decide to trust Him and wait on Him to work in your life, you’ll find He’ll work all things out according to His plans and purposes for your life! Give your suffering to God this Easter and invite Him to make your life new!
Want to give God your suffering and let Him make your life new, watch the below video, and pray “Dear God, I invite you in my life to change my sufferings and make my life new” I humbly ask and pray in Jesus name I ask and pray – Amen!
Written by Cosmas Enyasu