Ways God’s Promises Can Transform You!

A whole chapter on God’s promises
If you’ve ever read Joel Beeke and Mark Jones’ book A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life then you may have discovered that their is a whole chapter on God’s promises — showing how the promises are essential to trusting and experiencing Christ.
As you live the Christian life, you will probably find that you need a whole lot of faith in God just to keep going and just to be able to make it through. You also need a lot of faith in Jesus Christ to save you when things are bad, ugly and down right disgusting — and since faith means trusting all that God PROMISES no matter what — we thought we’d share some quotes with you on how God’s promises can transform you!
Why are God’s promises so important?
The promises are the pathways where Christ meets the soul. (p.401)
The promises are instrumental in the coming of Christ and the soul together. (p.401)
Whatever is believed without a promise is only presumed. (p.402)
Nothing is so excellent, so precious, and so sweet as a promise of God. (p.405)
The promises guide and lead us to Christ, for there is not a single promise that does not cry out to us in a loud voice, “O, come to Christ!” and there is no access to Jesus but by a promise. (p.406)
Promises are the objects of faith, through which they feed, nurture, and sustain every other grace. (p.406)
God’s promises are the chief aids to our life and our growth. (p.406)
It is of [great importance to every believer not to be negligent and careless in the frequent use, and due application of the promises. (p.407)
What is the best way to use God’s promises?
The promises are more useful to us than the air we breathe. (p.407)
[Since] God is behind them as their support and in them as their essential matter, then we have no greater security on earth for Heaven and no greater access to the full enjoyment of God than in the divine promises. (p.407)
Few of us really believe [the promises], and few of us can testify about a time when the promises sweetened our bitter afflictions, confirmed our weak and faltering faith under trial, compelled us to duty in the face of adversity, or provided us with unexplainable contentment in a time of disruption and upheaval. (p.407)
While what we have [in Christ] is divinely given, we can enjoy it experimentally only by faith. That faith is not mere assent but an embracing faith by which we cleave to the promises. (p.408)
[Why are our hearts so often] dying within us like a stone, and we are like unto those that are … dead? Is it not because we do not make use of the promises? (p.409)
True faith [agrees] to the truth of the promise so that it might draw near to Christ and embrace the fruit of the promise, casting itself on Him for life and happiness. (p.409)
[Our problem] is our failure to lean and depend on [the promise] in meditation, to confer with it and chew on it until we feel the sweetness of it in our mouths. (p.411)
Applying the promises means always keeping some specific promises on hand. (p.411)
Praying the promises is the most important element in the right use of the promises. (p.414)
Prayer that is founded on the promises of God, and puts Him in remembrance of them, will more than make up for the deficit of our unbelief, impatience, and doubt. (p.414)