As you wait on God for your turnaround…

God never promised that life would be a bed of roses for anyone. Instead of life being a bed of roses for you, you may find that your life is often filled with thorns. The thorns in your life may manifest as mounting bills, health problems, setbacks and struggles that you either did not anticipate or were not prepared for. Sometimes you may find yourself dreading to answer the phone, email or door because you just don’t want to have to deal with yet another problem.
Child of God, everyone in life has problems and no matter how bad off you think you are because of the problems that you have to deal with, there is always somebody who has worst problems than you. Your problems will always seem absolutely terrible until you meet someone worse off than you. Consider this; 1 person may complain because their feet hurt until they meet the man who has no feet. 1 person may complain that their job doesn’t pay enough to pay their stack of mounting bills until they meet the person who hasn’t been able to get a job for 4 years. 1 person may complain that their house is too small until they meet someone who is homeless and sleeps and lives on the street with no food.
Jesus Christ said in John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. There are no problems so big that Jesus can’t help you overcome them, and despite the overwhelming problems that you may be facing right now, God will furnish you with the means of overcoming your problems when you stay in faith in your walk with Him and turn to Him. He will lead you on the straight pathway of His purposes for your life and He will cause you to triumph over your problems and He will lead you to your something more as you trust in Him for your better life!
Don’t worry dear one about what you cannot control and cannot change. Some things exists as they are and remain unchanged by God’s design and because for now they are serving God’s purposes and He’s using them as part of His plan to direct you into His greater plans and purposes for your life so that you can receive more from Him which includes His highest and His best for your life! So think it not strange concerning the fiery trials that are trying you, when God’s purposes have been accomplished in your life, He will unbolt the door in your prison cell of bad circumstances and let you walk away from it and out of it never ever to have to look back at it again!