God, is Your Time Management Coach!

Like an open book…
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
before I’d even lived one day. (Psalm 139:16 The Message)
“Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” (Psalm 139:16b NLT)
Before you were born, the Scripture tell us, God outlined not only your entire life, but the moments of your life. He conceived the plan before you were conceived. He knew what it would take to complete that plan, the training, the faith, the growth, the obedience, and the discipline. He knew how you would need to spend your time day by day in order to achieve His goals and objectives that would bring you divine fulfillment and joy.
Jesus was the only person to adhere perfectly to God’s perfect plan, fulfilling God’s purpose every moment of his life. The rest of us have mucked it up. Now, before we start should-ing on ourselves, let’s think of the cross, and recall the price Jesus paid for restoring our good standing with God as well as our good standing with our destiny.
God, like the best of chess players, anticipated our dumb moves and finds ways to change the game until we finally win. The secret: living moment by moment, each day seeking His wisdom and guidance and direction. He has a beautiful plan, a plan to prosper you and not to harm you, a plan for give you hope and a bright future. Simply ask Him, and no matter how far off that plan you find yourself today, He will get you back at warp speed if you listen to His kind voice and follow His gentle leading.
I have no idea where I am in the scheme of things as far as your plan for my life, but I do know this: I haven’t followed the road map very well. I’ve gotten lost so many times, often stranded by the wayside. But you have not abandoned me. Thank you for your gentle rod and staff which lead me back to the path of abundant life. How I long to fulfill my life’s purpose. How I long to stop wondering as I’m wandering. Lead me on your path, and give me strength and grace to stay the course throughout the rest of my days.
In Jesus’ Name Amen
“Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15,16)
-Pastor Mark and Jill