Keep waiting on God,for He has not forgotten what He’s promised you!

~For it is not yet time for it to come true.The time is coming in a hurry,and it will come true.If you think it is slow in coming,wait for it.For it will happen for sure,and it will not wait.- Habakkuk 2:3

God is a God of order.Everything He does He does by appointment. An appointment is simply a meeting that has already been set up. God has scheduled an appointment to bring to pass His promises and His purposes in your life according to His time table for your life. You can depend on that.Whatever it is that you might be going through right now child of God,it will not stop or change the appointment that God has set for the promises that He’s made to you to come true in your life. You can be relieved to know that God’s promises and the destiny that He has planned for you will not be stopped by the enemy’s tricks,schemes or gimmicks. No matter how forcefully the enemy comes against you, His force and His attacks still will not stop the plan and promises that God has for your life. Because what God has for you is for you and will come true for you and in your life regardless of setbacks, attacks, losses, failures, disappointments and detours.

Often times problems arise when you try to hurry God and rush His timing. You may have grown very tired of being in the same place for a long time now and you might just be wondering if you’re ever going to get there. When God speaks a word in your life,it is like a seed.  It needs time to germinate and then sprout. Every mother knows the order; first the seed, then the pregnancy and then the development in the womb, and finally the day of deliverance. When God speaks a word in your life,this same example is the route that the spoken word which is a seed in your life takes before deliverance occurs in your life.

David said,”Don’t be impatient for God to act. Just keep traveling steadily along His pathway and in due season, He will honor the “promises He’s made to you”- So keep waiting for the LORD and keep His way. He will do what He’s promised to do; when the wicked are cut off,you will see it- Psalm 37:34. If you don’t want to derail God’s plan for your life, we encourage you to keep waiting on God, no matter how long it might seem to be taking for Him to move, act or orchestrate in your life the plans and promises He’s made to you in your life. Though your vision  and promises from God may seem to be tarrying,wait for them;because they are surely coming. “God is not a man that He should lie, if He has spoken it, He will make it good at just the right time and in just the right way – Numbers 23:19. Then you will know that He is God, and He does keep His promises to you and He makes them come true with or without the participation or cooperation of others!

God has waited all of your life for you to come into a growing and maturing relationship with Him, will you now return the favor and wait for Him to bring about the wonderful promises He’s made to you for your life?

God is seldom early but then He is never late, Have faith in God, there is still time for your “miracles” to happen!
