God is Calling You!

Happy Labor Day to you! We hope that on this Labor day, you are getting chances to rest from the toil of working and the stress that it can often produce. Today is a good day to rest, reflect and seek God to determine what He wants to do in and through your life the rest for the remainder of this year. Today starts a new month for us, we are now in the month of September. September is a great month, it creates wonderfully exciting new colors for us all depending upon where you are in the world as our season begins to change from summer to Fall! We’ll begin to experience the effects of the change of the seasons as the weather temperatures begin to adjust to the changing of our season. No matter where you are in your walk with God right now, there is always something you can learn about God and the new seasons that He orders for your life. There is always something more that God wants to do in your life in every season. We’ve found that oftentimes the more that God wants to do in and through your life requires trust, and the type of trust that God wants you to have is trust in Him. We know that It can be incredibly difficult to trust for something better, especially when the more that God shows you that He wants to do in your life does not match your current circumstances.
We’ve found that God works on a different timetable than our minds comprehend. Many of us want what we want, when we want it and most of the time that is NOW! It is difficult to trust in a plan that requires us to surrender all control of everything to God. But In order to get the more that God is preparing to bring in your life this season, God wants you to trust in Him. God wants you to totally surrender your will, your ideas, your desires, and your future in to His hands. If you don’t believe that God loves you fully and that He really does have your best interests at heart and He desires more for you, trusting Him is going to be extremely difficult. To get the more that God has for you, God is calling You to trust in Him. He is calling you to believe Him for what seems impossible. He is calling you to hope in Him, when things might seem hopeless. He is calling you to give, to do, and to seek Him even though your past efforts may have been unfruitful, unproductive or they may not have worked. If you are having problems believing God for the more He wants to do in your life, Ask Him to help you believe.
Most of us have a tendency to claim trust in God. We might even sometimes go to conferences, seminars, events, church events, or read books and say that we do believe God for the more that He wants to do in our lives, However, at the first sign of any difficulty or trial, we think that God must not love us because He is allowing difficulties to happen in our lives. Oftentimes The trial that has happened in your life or is happening in your life is exactly what God is using to test the level of trust that You have in Him. This test is not for God’s benefit but for Yours. This is to show You the true accuracy of Your trust meter in Him. If You are being tested and Your trust meter is either not working right or is inaccurately positioned, because God is so gracious and so good, He often allows us another chance, to try again to do well on the test, so He issues another test. This is why some of the “terrible” things that have happened, happen in your life, you are being tested to determine if you really trust God, not for Him to know if you really trust Him, because He already knows if you really trust Him or not, but for you to realize if you really trust Him or not. If you don’t believe God, don’t trust God, or have quit praying, understand that things are always the most difficult when we can’t see the other side of our troubles.
God wants you to put your trust in Him not in man or in things. Trusting in God alone enables you not to be offended when things or folks don’t act right or when things or folks don’t do you right or when nothing seems to be going your way. When others fail you and they almost always will, this lets you know that man and things are limited but God can still perfect the situation if it is part of His plans and purposes for your life. Trust and faith are unique words in the English language. They both can be used as a verb or a noun. God not only wants us to proclaim our faith and trust in Him, but He also wants us to put it in action by actively trusting and believing Him no matter what. We may not be able to control our circumstances, but we can always control how we react to them. That reaction many times will require trust, obedience, faith and waiting on God , in order for His plans to be carried out according to His will.
God wants You to trust in Him not your circumstances. If you don’t believe God or if you’re having trouble believing God, our friend Kirk Franklin wants to help you to believe!
Do you want to invite God to help you believe and trust in Him? Go here;