Expect God to Resurrect your life as we celebrate Good Friday!

Easter Sunday is a cheerful day for Christians because they trust that Jesus ascended from the dead on this day. They believed that Jesus Christ’s resurrection shows that death is not the end of everything. Many go to church to thank God for Jesus Christ’s life. On Easter Sunday, church bells have rung and churches have decorated with flowers such as white lilies which are associated with Easter. The rebirth of Jesus Christ after His horrible death on the cross is one of the essential principles and beliefs of Christianity and a well recognized historical truth. Christians observe Easter Sunday because they consider the fact that, Jesus Christ died for their sins on the Cross on Good Friday. Jesus died on Good Friday and rose from death on Sunday.
Many people believe only Jesus Christ can give everlasting life, because He defeated death. He defeated death by being resurrected from the dead with His whole body restored as if He had not been brutally beaten and as if He had not had life choked out of Him on full display with a watching crowd! Good Friday acknowledges Jesus Christ horrible death but it illuminates God’s redemptive nature in orchestrating a plan that blew the mind of the spectators, the disciplines, the guards at the grave, the doubters, the betrayers and even Jesus’s Christ’s mother. Because Jesus Christ was resurrected 3 days after His death, Easter is celebrated and observed because it gives assurance of life in the face of death. Because of the dynamic way in which God resurrected Jesus Christ, Easter is a day of joy because it also gives reassurance to Christians that loved ones that have passed on are not really dead, that those that accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior have been granted eternal life and have a place that God has prepared for them when they pass away from this life. Easter celebrations also reproduces peace and forgiveness which has come out of violence. It is also an occasion for thinking about suffering, injustice and destitution. During Good Friday services Christians contemplate on Jesus Christ’s suffering and on his words spoken from the cross: ‘Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing. When dramas and illustrations of Jesus’s death burial and resurrection are portrayed at church services it melts the hearts of those watching and urges them to let go of any unforgiveness that they may be harboring in their hearts towards others because of Jesus’s final words that stated “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing”.
As you go about your agenda this Good Friday and always and whether you celebrate or acknowledge Good Friday or not, realize that it is an important day to God because it is the day that His 1 and only son’s death is acknowledged and remembered. It is important to God because the whole theme of Christianity is one of failing, falling but getting back up again. Just like God resurrected Jesus Christ from the dead and fully restored His body to fully working order with barely a trace of any damage done to Him, He is well able to turn the tables in your life and give you a resurrection in your life of your finances, your marriage, your health,your mind, and even your time. Just like God knew what He was doing when He allowed Jesus Christ to be brutally beaten to death and hung on a cross and then He resurrected Him, He knows what He is doing in your life. So, Enjoy your day today,thank God for Good Friday, plan and prepare to go to a Bible based church on Sunday or watch your favorite live stream of church because YOU can’t make it because of the coronavirus. But whatever you do, celebrate Easter, Honor Jesus, and witness the powerful messages that will be shared with you detailing the powerful impact that Jesus’s Christ’s death burial and resurrection will have on your life as you turn to and trust in God!
Happy Easter!