Are you tired?Can God refresh you?

Life’s constant struggles may have you feeling like you do not have the strength to go on for the journey ahead. You may have encountered battle after battle and you have come to the place where you find yourself weary and just plain tired of the struggle that life demands. You may not feel like going on and you might even feel like you just don’t have any strength left. Have you ever said to yourself “I just don’t know how I am going to go on and if I am going to be able to make it”?

Have you ever been in the place we’re describing? A place where you are so tired of the struggles so tired of the problems and so burned out from having to go through until you often feel that you just can’t take anything more? Have you ever been so tired that you felt that you had absolutely no energy left to do anything? When you get to this point in life, you need God to infuse you with His supernatural strength for your life so that you can go on! You need God to refresh you! You need God to revive you!


The truth is God has more strength than you will ever need in this life. He protects you with His shield and leads you in His ways. In the times where you feel there is no strength left, God will provide you with the strength you need to be able to go on if you will spend time with Him and ask Him to refresh and revive you! God will fill you up with a burst of new energy and new desires when you inquire of Him and seek His help in gaining the strength that you need to go on! When God gives you the strength to go on, your heart will be filled with an abundance of praise for God. Your energy and your zest for living and for life will return and you will feel oh, so much better! Once God infuses you with His supernatural strength, you will then have the strength to not only continue the journey, but you will now have the strength to overcome and prevent the obstacles that the devil tries to put in your path.



As long as you trust the Lord, He will give you the strength you need to overcome everything that the enemy brings against you. It really does not matter what the enemy brings against you, because God always has the answer and He will provide you with the necessary strength to win the battle. God is always for you and He is willing to meet your needs. He is so gracious to provide you with strength and everything you need to accomplish His will. So praise the Lord for His great strength and take your eyes off what the enemy is doing, and place your eyes upon Jesus, and what He can do to bring you back to a life full of passion and energy. Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith; He is able and willing to fix any low energy problems that you might be having. He allows you to call upon Him for your strength because you may have realized that you have come to the place where there is no one you can receive your strength from except from the Lord. If pursuing others could have fixed it for you, you wouldn’t still have problems. Bring your problems to God and let Him handle them His way!

Even when circumstances are not good, God is good and He will give you the strength necessary to go on and overcome adverse and sorrowful circumstances that crop up in your life. He is always more than willing to help you in the good times and also in the times of trouble. He always has the right answer just for you and in His time and in His way, He will get the answers to you, if you will seek Him. So dear one, continue your journey with God that He has placed before you and run your race with joy and thanksgiving knowing that God’s gotcha and He will give you the strength to go on!

If you are very tired of it and want God to refresh you, join us in this simple prayer;

Heavenly father, I am choosing to pull into your presence today, broken, battered and tired of the storms of life that often tend to crop up. I need you father God to refresh me, I need you to revive me, I need you to give me the energy and the strength that I lack so that I can go on. You are the bread of life, the author and finisher of my faith, and you created me to be much more than I am. As we pray along with Win International Ministries and for WIN International Ministries, I ask that you fill me with fresh new energy that surges on the inside of my body like “fresh new dew” from Heaven, so that I will be empowered and enabled to finish the race that you have set before me with excellence and integrity so that I can do and become all that you have created me to do and become. Father help me set aside time each day to meet with you privately in prayer so that my mind can be transformed according to the richness of your Holy word and so that you can fill me up daily with fresh new energy and fresh new zest for each day, in Jesus’ precious name, I ask and pray – Amen.

You don’t have to stay exhausted and out of energy,  If You’re tired, Ask God to refresh you!
