Can God change your mind about what you dread?

Hebrews 12:1-3 is a really good Bible verse, it says to run the race with endurance, looking to Jesus “so that you may not grow weary or exhausted, losing heart and relaxing and fainting in your minds”. Have you ever had a sink full of dishes to wash and you looked at them and wanted to faint in your mind? Does the thought of mowing the lawn get you depressed and all of a sudden you feel tired? Does going to work at a job you hate make you dread Monday mornings? Do you dread making a particular phone call or do you dread seeing someone you can’t stand? In order to fully enjoy this life that God has given you, you have to choose to be happy and to live in peace the way God wants you to. You also have to learn to enjoy everything or at least find something about everything to be happy about even if what you are not happy about bothers you and makes you dread it.You may ask, “Now, how could I enjoy going to a job I hate or putting up with situations that just get on my last nerves? It all depends on your mindset.
Dread Is a Mindset
The devil has programmed us with a mindset to enjoy certain things but to dread others. Several people we know have shared with us how they dread working all week, but they all really looked forward to the weekends. As soon as the weekends came near the end, this group of people started dreading going to work again.” There is no telling how many millions of people dread their jobs. But if you are working, you might as well enjoy it, because if you’re like millions Americans around the world, finding a job especially a decent one that pays well can be like pulling teeth, it’s very hard! And when you’re working at a job, you are there so much of your day or night, it’s a shame to spend so much of your God given time dreading something that God originally intended for you to enjoy! Dread will steal any joy you could experience when working, and it will also steal your joy while you are away from work as you are dreading having to go back to work! As Christians, we can do unpleasant things and enjoy them because the Holy Spirit is in us. We can enjoy Him in the midst of adverse or unpleasant conditions. This is a privilege that unsaved people do not have.
God has already given you joy
Our joy comes from who is inside us. If you’re having trouble being joyful about going to work or if you are having trouble finding joy because of the dread that you feel towards “certain” things or “certain” people, ask God to help you to find joy and peace in the midst of your pain and your dread. This is a request that God will delight to help you with, because God wants you to enjoy what He has provided for you and He wants you to enjoy the people He has placed in your pathway. When you turn to God, He will help you reset Your Mindset about what you are dreading and what you just can’t take any more. If you have a mindset of dread, you will have a mouthful of dread and your conversations will be full of dread and you will not only infect yourself with dread but you will infect every one that you come in contact with because of your dread. When you give your dread to God, He will help you turn your dread to joy and make whatever you were dreading much better for you and more interesting for you! God can create excitement and new zest where there was boredom and dread when you surrender it all to Him. As believers in Jesus Christ, we are all supernatural people. We can decide ahead of time to enjoy doing something we would not normally consider enjoyable.
Set yourself up for joy
We can set ourselves up for joy or for misery depending upon the mindset in which we approach a thing. If you dread going to work but have to work anyway, what is the sense in dreading it? Instead you might approach it this way: “I am going to work and I will do it with a good attitude. I have the joy of the Lord. I can enjoy anything. Anything! “If we all set our minds to it like this, we can enjoy everything we do in life. It all depends on the attitude you decide to have. Next time you are dreading something, remind yourself that you can make a decision and state: “I am not going to dread this.” Then release your faith through praying by simply saying; “Lord, I thank you that you are helping me perform this task”. It is unpleasant in the natural realm, but your anointing can come on me to make this pleasant. Father God, I invite you into what is making me feel and think dread and ask you to change it for my good and for your glory! Because I am supernatural, I can enjoy this task even though other people might not. I firmly decide that the devil is not going to steal my joy in this, in Jesus’ name.” I am praying for myself and WIN International Ministries that you will help us with what we dread and loosen up any reigns of terror that makes us have dread, in Jesus Christ’s name I ask and pray – Amen.
Want to spend time with God and allow Him to transform what you dread?Visit the link below!