Are you facing impossible situations?

Happy Good Friday! We hope this message finds you blessed and highly favored and walking in the fullness of all that God has for you, but if you are not feeling good or not feeling like you are experiencing God’s highest and best for your life let us encourage you today! If you are experiencing problems that are dragging on, problems that are terrible and problems that seem like they still have no earthly solutions, we want to encourage you today to take the limits off of God and how He might be wanting to work in and through your situations to solve your problems. Human problems that resist your human efforts to be resolved need God’s help, need God’s intervention and need God’s method of being worked out. Luke 1:37 states for nothing is impossible with God. God is able and still willing to take on your impossible situations and turn them around for your good and for His glory. But there still might be reasons why He has not turned them around for your good and His glory.
Let’s look at a couple of reasons why your problems may not be getting solved.
- Sometimes, your impossible situations may be still allowed by God and still continuing on because there may be limits on how you want or need God to work “things”out for you and that just may not be the way that God has chosen or wants to work things out for you. So hence, your problem may stay stalled at a standstill until either you give up on the problem ever being solved or take the limits off of God so that He can work things out the way He has chosen for you.
- Sometimes, your faith may not be strong enough to attract or draw the miracle from God’s hand that you might need. Hebrews 11:6 states “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. “Real faith in God is believing God beyond a shadow of a doubt no matter how bad things are now, and no matter how bad things have been”. Real faith dares to stare the bad circumstances in the face and say something like this, “okay devil”,you’ve taken your best shot, you’ve made my life a living hell, but like Job, I say to this hot mess, “Tho God has allowed me to be slayed, yet will I trust Him”, for I have faith that God can, God will and He shall deliver me! We know about “real faith” because we all have it, the devil has tried to make our lives a living hell too, but we press on, and push past all of the pain, the suffering, the setbacks, the robberies, the heartache and the grief, knowing that God is still in control, and He will work all things out for our good and His glory! We encourage you to do the same! So if you kinda have some faith in God in what you’re believing Him for but not “Really” strong faith in what you’re believing God for, your problem may continue to evade the solution to your impossible problems. God never said that things would be easy, He never said that they would be fair, He never said they wouldn’t be bad, what He said is, “He would be with you” for ~Lo I am with you, even until the end of time – Matthew 28:20
If you don’t know why God is still not solving your problems or why some things are still not working right for you, we encourage you to take the limits off of God and how He may be choosing to work things out in your life for His good and your glory and then give Him the time that He will need to begin this work in your life. If that is what you want, join us in this simple prayer;
Heavenly Father,
Creator of Heaven and Earth, I humble myself up under your Mighty hand and plead with you for your forgiveness, your mercy and your grace. I come to you now Father, surrendering my desire to control or manipulate the outcome of my circumstances and long standing problems. Father, I need a breakthrough. I need a miracle. I need your help. You are God, I am not. So, I will be still and wait on you. I am once again, putting all of my problems in your hands and I release any right or claim that I think that I may have to dictate a solution. Father, however, I would like to remind you, that according to Psalms 37:4 “If I delight myself in you, you will give me the desires of my heart, so I therefore will make suggestions to you from time to time on how I would like to see my problems solved but I do understand Father, it is always you that makes the determination of how things will or will not work out. Thank you for hearing my prayers – Amen