Something about the name of Jesus!

As you get ready for the Christmas Holiday season, we are sure that you are bombarded with ads galore which are on TV, the internet, the newspaper, your email, your cell phone and billboards everywhere. But if you’re like us when shopping, you look for items that are on sale for good prices and backed by companies or manufacturers that we know and can trust. As each and everyone of us here at the ministry think more about Christmas and the shopping that we all need to do, Everyone shared horror stories of experiences that they’ve had with companies, individuals or manufacturers or business opportunities that they know that they will never do business with again and that they know that they cannot trust to make a good quality product at a good and fair price. So as we begin to talk about it, we all realized that we all looked for reliable companies, with good track records, with easy return policies in place if something broke, didn’t work right or if the person that the gift was purchased for didn’t like it.
All of this discussion led us to discuss the importance of brand names and the credibility behind those names and how most folks tend to shy away from no name manufacturers and no name companies with cheap products with poor quality that may or may not work especially at Christmas. When you give a gift to someone that you know, love or trust, that gift represents you the giver, and whether you made the product or not, the gift itself reflects the quality you thought they deserved and it reflects a choice you made on the behalf of the receiptent, so therefore to present to someone you know, love or trust an inferior gift, which was designed with poor quality, a gift that doesn’t work, a gift that is hard to return or when the gift is returned the customer service is terrible, says to the recipient that you did not care enough to give them your very best or pay for the very best for them. We’ve found that most people would rather not get a gift at Christmas than get a gift that does not work, was designed with poor quality or is not liked by the recipient. But when choosing a gift, Like us, God put a lot of thought into the gift that He would give us all at Christmas time. More than 2000 years ago, when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden because they were tempted by the devil to eat the forbidden fruit, God thought carefully about what strategy He could use to save and redeem His children back to Himself. God did not choose to elect a second hand gift that did not work, or a cheap product that was buy 1 get 1 free. He did not choose a gift designed with poor quality nor did He choose a gift that needed to be returned to a store counter with bad customer service. God decided to send His one and only Son into the world to be born of the Virgin Mary as His best gift so that we could all have a chance to be reconciled back to God when we invite and accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior.
God cared so much about our lives that He became willing to alter the normal rules of the world to bring us a deliver. God altered the normal rules of the world when He chose the Virgin Mary who was engaged to Joseph, to be the mother of His one and only son. Mary conceived Jesus without sin as a direct result of a `touch from God! Much quality went into the birth of Jesus, the development of Jesus and the life and resurrection of Jesus. God gave you His best name brand gift to be celebrated at Christmas, ~Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ is the name that is above all names. Demons tremble at the name of Jesus. Sickness,oppression,brokenness,despair,depression and a host of other oppressive conditions are all altered and changed at the name of Jesus. We love the name of Jesus. We have seen His power and what He can and will do for those that love and follow Him, we have witnessed His wonder working miracles. We have seen the differences that He can make. In the name of Jesus Christ, chains are broken, diseases are cured, the blind see, the deaf hear and the lame walk. So this year for Christmas as we all check our list and check it twice, instead of going from store to store spending unheard of amounts of money, we are giving the best quality name gift that we can give and that is the gift of Jesus Christ! And we encourage you to do the same!
Here are 4 ways you can give the gift of Jesus Christ this year;
1. Give accept Jesus Christ tracts to people that God places in your path;
2. Pray and ask God to send you people who need Jesus Christ so that you can get a chance to witness to them about God’s best gift!
3. When you mail Christmas cards this year, include a note about God’s best Christmas gift-Jesus Christ!
4. Tweet about God’s best son Jesus Christ. Invite others to accept Jesus Christ on your face book page, your LinkedIn page or your other social networks!
Want to thank God for His best gift to us, Jesus Christ, if so, join us in this simple prayer;
Holy Father,thank you for giving us your very best Christmas gift -Jesus Christ. Thank you for altering time and rules to implement your perfect plan for our lives so that we could be saved from sin and reconciled back to you in a living vibrant relationship. Thank you father, for the gift of your 1 and only Son, Jesus Christ, this Christmas season. Help me bring others into a living relationship with your one and only son so that I may give you thanks and all of the glory for what you have done. In Jesus’ name I ask and pray- Amen